Episode 171 || SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/2gMWc1t
So this was sort of sparked by a chat I had with some of the guys I was at the bucks party with over the weekend. They had heard all about l'etape and were wishing me good luck for it. I would then spend the next 10min explaining it wasn't a race ... even though it was timed.
This got me thinking about what the differences between the events are, but more importantly how that actually plays out on the road.
After l'etape I'm keen to compare the ride to some of the races we have done throughout the year as well, to give another perspective on the differences.
Anyway, I hope this doesn't come across to preachy and you guys get something (if not just a laugh) out of it.
##NOTE TO SELF: Don't attempt to VLOG when Jesse tells you he is doing TT efforts##
INSTAGRAM: @chrismiller27 @neroracing
TWITTER: @chrismiller @neroracing
WEB: neroracingbike.com
STRAVA: https://www.strava.com/athletes/186450
BIKE Noah SL - ridley-bikes.com.au
SERVICE & SUPPORT: Cycling Projects Racing Ashbury
All shot on a Sony a6500, Shimano Sports Camera, iPhone 8 Plus, Edited in Final Cut Pro X.