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So the comeback continues, back on the trainer for another ride. There has been a turnaround in my luck and after my first few rides, I have had minimal hip pain (or at least, there has not been an increase to the normal hip pain levels). With some sore muscles (that clearly haven't been working for a while) I was very happy to back-up for another spin.

Given that I haven't ridden at all recently, and I don't know how my hip will pull-up, the general plan for the first few weeks is to just get the legs rolling over; nothing too difficult at all. I have learned, very slowly and with some reluctance not to go like a bull at a gate, regardless of the enthusiasm, as it will be better in the long run.

I have been really trying to pay attention to how I am feeling physically. I am keeping the watts below 150 as I know that's a fairly light load. I tell myself to ignore my heart rate at the moment, as after a bit of time off the bike it is going to be artificially high and it will get itself under control in due course.

Given the short (three month) run to para nationals I plan on giving myself three or four weeks before I start doing efforts. Usually this would be too short but given I have done it before and how close the goal is I hope I will be ok, if the hip can handle it. My coach seems confident.

I have a rough plan to build up to 10-12 hours a week on the bike and then start getting some quality. Compared to past training, this isn't a very high load as far as duration goes, but I plan on making the most of the time with plenty of quality.

The long duration work may be necessary for a tour, long road races or a ride like Three Peaks but, as the races at nationals are relatively short (a 75km road race and a 20 odd km TT), I should be able to get away with less quantity more quality.

Anyway that's the rough plan. Of course I am going to be flexible with this, it's too hard to tell how a rider with an injury will manage. But currently I have put two good days away and the hip feels great; so far so good. Time to get back on the road.


Check out PART 1 of Dan's journey HERE

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